Friday, June 21, 2019

38th Anniversary Celebration of Medjugorje: Native Americans retreat with Fr. Jozo

Join in the celebration of 38 years that Our Lady has come to Medjugorje with an urgent call to prayer and peace!  For 38 years we have been blessed with her visitation and guiding words.

Tuesday, June 25, 2016
St. Francis of Assisi Church
861 N. Socoro, Wichita, KS
Evening Mass at 5:30pm
~ Will follow with Rosary, Vespers, Chaplet ~
Then pot luck and presentation in Boneventure Room 
(food can be dropped of in Boneventure before Mass)

Join us for prayer, community, celebration, and to refresh our memories as to why Our Lady has come for 38 years!  Learn the messages, the prescription she has given humanity for peace in our hearts, our families, our lives, and in the world.

Why has she continued to visit this long?  How has the world changed since the apparitions began?  How are we to respond?  Find out this, as well as see a special presentation:

"Native Americans in Medjugorje"
-presented by Julie Buresh 

In '97 there was a special call to all Native American Leaders and Chiefs.  Fr. Jozo invited them to Medjugorje for a special retreat, called "A Call to the Eagle's Nest".

66 Canadian Chiefs/Leaders, and 28 from the United States, gathered to pray, learn, heal and listen to Our Lady.  They were called there during the Bosnian war when the Native Yugoslavians were in the midst of massive genocide and war.  But they braved the journey, to a place of peace.  It was a fascinating journey, and amazing spiritual events took place.

 Come, bring your family, a favorite dish to share, and learn how to have greater peace and surrender in your life.    For further information, contact:   Julie Buresh, 316-734-1822