Sunday, October 14, 2018

54 Day Rosary Novena to Our Lady of America

Prayer Warriors;

We have been commissioned again for a prayer assignment; a 54 Day Rosary Novena for America, calling upon Our Lady of America, and The Queen of Peace.  America has been chosen for a specific role in the plan of Salvation.  Our Lady of America leads us to understand this and pray for her requests of the American Bishops, and the faithful of America.

Please familiarize yourself with the approved messages of Our Lady of America here: Our Lady of America Official Site

It is recommended you send for the prayer cards which contain the prayer to the Holy Trinity and pray it every day during the 54 day novena if you can.

Here is the information about he 54 Day Rosary Novena for our Nation: 54 Day Rosary Novena for Our Nation

Even though a 54 Day Novena commenced on Oct. 7th, we join together to start a new one.  For several reasons.  Our Lady of America has made the request for her statue to be processed in, by the US Bishops into the Basilica of the Immaculate Conception and placed there permanently for veneration by the people.  The God of Heaven has a special role for America, and if her statue is placed as she has requested, she promises greater miracles and healings than Lourdes or Fatima!  Her messages have to do with a call to purity, and it must be prayed for fervently.

With the current abuse crisis in the church, there is no greater time than now, to pray for purity and a healing of the church.  Pray for all Cardinals, Bishops, Priests, Seminarians and the Pope too.

We also in America are suffering from great attacks upon our religious freedom, upon marriage, family, children; life itself; upon individual liberty, freedom and the foundations of this nation, given to us by our Founding Fathers.  We desperately pray for an end to abortion, and all sins of impurity which lead to it.  There are elections forthcoming which could have great consequence upon the direction of America.  We need the help and guidance of Our Lady of America, interceding before the Throne of God for Truth, Good and Peace to prevail.  We must unite to pray for the protection of our President; those trying to bring about good; for our leaders; that the evils threatening this great nation be removed, and for America to be converted and live lives of holiness and purity, uniting to the Will of God.  We pray united for Liberty, Freedom, and Justice, for All.

Here are the prayers and the schedule for the mysteries to be prayed each day (scroll to bottom for schedule):  54 Day Rosary Novena Prayers and Schedule of Mysteries

Please share as you are led to have as many people as possible join in this prayer effort!