Monday, October 14, 2019

Divine Will International Unity Conference

 Arlington, TX - Nov. 21st - 24th, 2019
Join the caravan to drive down to the retreat!  
Learn how to bring about God's Holy and Divine Will upon earth through prayer.  Learn how to pray it into being and deepen your prayer life with the joy and fulfillment of Divine Will. 

Live near Wichita, KS?  To join our caravan to the retreat, call: 316-218-8541

Please help spread the word about this wonderful retreat.  Share this link on social media or email.  Or, hang flyers at church or places where Prayer Warriors frequent!

For printed flyers, contact "Sister Anne", at:  

For questions about the retreat, contact: 

Or call 321-223-1799

If you’d like to research this on your own:
Here’s a 12 min YouTube summary . . .

Here’s an excellent podcast series . . .
     Learning to Live in God’s Divine Will with Fr. Joseph Iannuzzi

Here are free downloads . . .

Friday, June 21, 2019

38th Anniversary Celebration of Medjugorje: Native Americans retreat with Fr. Jozo

Join in the celebration of 38 years that Our Lady has come to Medjugorje with an urgent call to prayer and peace!  For 38 years we have been blessed with her visitation and guiding words.

Tuesday, June 25, 2016
St. Francis of Assisi Church
861 N. Socoro, Wichita, KS
Evening Mass at 5:30pm
~ Will follow with Rosary, Vespers, Chaplet ~
Then pot luck and presentation in Boneventure Room 
(food can be dropped of in Boneventure before Mass)

Join us for prayer, community, celebration, and to refresh our memories as to why Our Lady has come for 38 years!  Learn the messages, the prescription she has given humanity for peace in our hearts, our families, our lives, and in the world.

Why has she continued to visit this long?  How has the world changed since the apparitions began?  How are we to respond?  Find out this, as well as see a special presentation:

"Native Americans in Medjugorje"
-presented by Julie Buresh 

In '97 there was a special call to all Native American Leaders and Chiefs.  Fr. Jozo invited them to Medjugorje for a special retreat, called "A Call to the Eagle's Nest".

66 Canadian Chiefs/Leaders, and 28 from the United States, gathered to pray, learn, heal and listen to Our Lady.  They were called there during the Bosnian war when the Native Yugoslavians were in the midst of massive genocide and war.  But they braved the journey, to a place of peace.  It was a fascinating journey, and amazing spiritual events took place.

 Come, bring your family, a favorite dish to share, and learn how to have greater peace and surrender in your life.    For further information, contact:   Julie Buresh, 316-734-1822

Sunday, October 14, 2018

54 Day Rosary Novena to Our Lady of America

Prayer Warriors;

We have been commissioned again for a prayer assignment; a 54 Day Rosary Novena for America, calling upon Our Lady of America, and The Queen of Peace.  America has been chosen for a specific role in the plan of Salvation.  Our Lady of America leads us to understand this and pray for her requests of the American Bishops, and the faithful of America.

Please familiarize yourself with the approved messages of Our Lady of America here: Our Lady of America Official Site

It is recommended you send for the prayer cards which contain the prayer to the Holy Trinity and pray it every day during the 54 day novena if you can.

Here is the information about he 54 Day Rosary Novena for our Nation: 54 Day Rosary Novena for Our Nation

Even though a 54 Day Novena commenced on Oct. 7th, we join together to start a new one.  For several reasons.  Our Lady of America has made the request for her statue to be processed in, by the US Bishops into the Basilica of the Immaculate Conception and placed there permanently for veneration by the people.  The God of Heaven has a special role for America, and if her statue is placed as she has requested, she promises greater miracles and healings than Lourdes or Fatima!  Her messages have to do with a call to purity, and it must be prayed for fervently.

With the current abuse crisis in the church, there is no greater time than now, to pray for purity and a healing of the church.  Pray for all Cardinals, Bishops, Priests, Seminarians and the Pope too.

We also in America are suffering from great attacks upon our religious freedom, upon marriage, family, children; life itself; upon individual liberty, freedom and the foundations of this nation, given to us by our Founding Fathers.  We desperately pray for an end to abortion, and all sins of impurity which lead to it.  There are elections forthcoming which could have great consequence upon the direction of America.  We need the help and guidance of Our Lady of America, interceding before the Throne of God for Truth, Good and Peace to prevail.  We must unite to pray for the protection of our President; those trying to bring about good; for our leaders; that the evils threatening this great nation be removed, and for America to be converted and live lives of holiness and purity, uniting to the Will of God.  We pray united for Liberty, Freedom, and Justice, for All.

Here are the prayers and the schedule for the mysteries to be prayed each day (scroll to bottom for schedule):  54 Day Rosary Novena Prayers and Schedule of Mysteries

Please share as you are led to have as many people as possible join in this prayer effort!

Saturday, February 17, 2018

Experience Medjugorje!

The Firsthand Witness of Fr. Leon

Monday, March 5th:  7pm - St. Francis of Assisi
861 N. Socora St. (at Central and Tyler) Wichita, KS  67212
Tuesday, March 6th:  8:30am Talk/Potluck Breakfast - In Clare Hall at St. Francis of Assisi 
Tuesday, March 6th:  7pm - St. Peter Schulte 
11000 Southwest Blvd, Wichita, KS  67215

Fr. Leon Pereira, OP, the Chaplain to the English-speaking pilgrims in Medjugorje will speak about Our Lady’s Messages. He speaks with wit and insight as he shares his amazing testimony. Come to listen to Our Mother’s call from someone who has lived and ministered to hundreds of thousands of pilgrims in Medjugorje.

Countless souls have experienced conversion through Medjugorje and Our Lady's Messages.  
Fr. Leon's visit to the US only includes 5-6 cities, and Wichita is one of them!  ​Fr. Leon Pereira, OP, is the Chaplain to English speaking pilgrims in Medjugorje.  Fr. Leon has an incredible testimony; he was a medical doctor before becoming a priest and is incredibly witty and insightful – so much so that he can make you roll with laughter while sharing profound truths and testimoney. ​​Marie Moore, a 17-year-old who met him in Medjugorje states, “The cliché is true. Listening to him, you’ll never be bored - because he’s so entertaining and funny!”

Aaron Crisler, a parishioner who has been to Medjugorje three times, encourages all to come. “Being able to listen to Father Leon's testimony of his personal experiences and the knowledge he brings with him is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Many people simply cannot afford to travel 7000 miles to the other side of the planet. It is a tremendous grace that we are granted the opportunity to have Father Leon travel to see us and speak.”
Aaron Crisler adds: “Just as those who make it to Medjugorje are called by Our Lady to go, so will it be for those called to listen to Father Leon. Please don't miss this wonderful opportunity to experience Medjugorje right here in Wichita Kansas. I personally guarantee you will not be disappointed when you leave after listening to Fr. Leon."
Have you heard about Medjugorje? Perhaps you’ve heard something of this village where daily apparitions of the Blessed Virgin Mary are reportedly taking place up to this day - for nearly 37 years!  Because the reported apparitions are ongoing, the Church has not made an official ruling yet, but “devotion of Medjugorje is allowed. It’s not prohibited, and need not be done in secret,” confirmed Archbishop Henryk Hoser.

In fact, Archbishop Hoser, who was sent by Pope Francis to study Medjugorje, attests that it is a “phenomenon”, a “movement [that] will not stop and should not be stopped”, “one of the most living places of prayer and conversion”. Those who have had the privilege to go to Medjugorje echo these statements.   St. John Paul II called it, “the spiritual heart of the world”!

Our Lady calls everyone to hear the call to Her Son.  She is calling you, personally - to draw ever closer to her heart, to allow her motherly love to heal, to lead toward a true conversion to Her Son; to come to know true and lasting peace. filled.  Bring a friend or loved one.

Please share far and wide!!
For information contact:  Aaron Crisler  316-712-3338 

Friday, August 19, 2016

Holy Spirit Conference 2016

Saturday, August 20, 2016

- 8th Holy Spirit Conference -
All Saints Church, School Gym
3205 E. Grand, Wichita, KS
8:00am - 6:00pm

Theme:  "Trust in God's Love and Mercy"

Opening and welcome by Bishop Karl Kemme, with a blessing and a brief talk.
Other guest speakers are Sr. Janice Miller, Fr. John Jirak, Fr. Dan Lorimer, Fr. John Sherlock, Mr. James Bitting, Fr. John Tran.  

Confessions will be offered from 1pm - 3pm.
Holy Mass will be celebrated by Fr. John Tran at 4:30pm.  
Healing Service will follow Holy Mass.

FREE ADMISSION.  Breakfast, lunch and snacks will be provided at no cost.  Donations accepted.  Placing a reservation with Vanessa Bahn, at 316-250-9147 is appreciated, so she can have enough food for the attendees.  Please share, bring friends and family.  Come, be filled with good things, be healed, and spread the joy and love of the Lord!

Monday, April 18, 2016

Eucharistic Retreat - Come Celebrate the Lord!

Saturday, April 23, 2016
8am - Noon
St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Church
119th and Central
Wichita, KS

Starting with Holy Mass

8:00 - Holy Mass
8:45 - Buffet brunch and Fellowship
9:15 - Procession to Sanctuary and Presentation of Burning Bush

9:30 - 10:30 - Main Talk by Fr. Lanzrath
Music, Scripture, Silence, Prayer

Priests give reflections
Eucharistic Miracles Exhibit

12:00 - Closing, Recessional, Benediction.

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Novena to Close Southwind Abortion Center and Planned Parenthood of Wichita

October 1st. - Oct. 31st, 2015

Pray these devotions daily:

Seven Sorrows of Mary Rosary:  (reflect on each of the seven sorrows during each decade of the rosary)

1.  Simeon's prophecy to Mary - "A sword shall pierce your heart".
2.  The Flight into Egypt from the Massacre of Innocents.
3.  The loss of Child Jesus for 3 days; when later found in the Temple.
4.  Mary meets Jesus on the Way of the Cross.
5.  Mary stands at the foot of the cross.
6.  Jesus is taken down from the cross and placed in Mary's arms.
7.  Mary watches as Jesus is placed in the tomb.
*Finish rosary by praying the Hail Holy Queen.

Novena Prayer to St. John Paul II:

O Holy Savior, you blessed the church and the world with the holy life and papal ministry of Pope John Paul II.  May we, through his intercession receive every grace and blessing that you, in Your Divine Mercy wish to give us; especially the closing of Southwind Abortion Center, and Planned Parenthood of Wichita.  May there never again be abortions in Wichita.  Amen.

Prayer and Penance:

Daily pray the Seven Sorrows Rosary.
Daily pray the Novena Prayer to St. John Paul II.
Daily pray the St. Michael prayer.
Daily pray the Chaplet of Divine Mercy at 3:00pm.
Fast on Weds. and Fridays throughout October.
Go to Confession at the beginning of the novena.
Attend daily Mass as often as possible, and offer your Holy Communion for this intention.
Daily read and meditate on Sacred Scripture.
Offer daily sacrifices.
Offer your daily duties as penance.
Weekly hour of Eucharistic Adoration.
Pray the Stations of the Cross on Fridays.
Pray for all victims of abortion; healing for all fathers and mothers who fell for abortion.
Avoid watching television.

*Initiated by Fr. Ed Kline in collaboration with the Respect Life Office of the Wichita Diocese.  Contact him at or Bonnie Toombs at 316-269-3935 or .